떨어져야만, 솟아오른다 Rising Only Comes After Falling
Artist's Note
Rising Only Comes After Falling
When an object is stimulated, there is a moment when physical changes occur. Emotional changes are no different. Even in ‘One Day, Suddenly’ needs a trigger. Only few find it alone. Most of us find them in relationships. In fact, we seem to buried ourselves in relationships. 떨어져야만, 솟아오른다. 물체를 자극하면, 물리적 변화가 일어나는 시점이 온다. 정서적 변화도 다르지 않다. '어느 날, 갑자기’에도, 트리거는 필요하니까. 누군가는 홀로 그것을 찾아내지만, 대부분의 우리는 관계 안에서 그것들을 발견한다. 실은, 그 안에 파묻혀 사는 듯 보인다. |
떨어져야만, 솟아오른다_Rising Only Comes After Falling_Oil and Acrylic on Canvas_118x182cm 100호_2022
떨어져야만, 솟아오른다_Rising Only Comes After Falling_Oil and Acrylic on Canvas_53x53cm & 33.5x53cm_2023
떨어져야만, 솟아오른다_Rising Only Comes After Falling_Oil and Acrylic on Canvas_130x326cm_200호_2022
떨어져야만, 솟아오른다_Rising Only Comes After Falling_Oil and Acrylic on Canvas_106x53cm_2022
떨어져야만, 솟아오른다_Rising Only Comes After Falling_Oil and Acrylic on Canvas_53x53cm each_2022
떨어져야만, 솟아오른다_Rising Only Comes After Falling_Oil and Acrylic on Canvas_146x91cm_60호_2022
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